"A" stands for |
"AIEEEE!" -- a cry emitted upon discovering a large drop on the other side of a blind jump. |
Account For |
To kill or put a fox to ground. |
Autum Hunting |
The politically correct term for cub hunting |
Away |
The fox is in the open and/or hounds are on the line. |
"B" stands for |
"BLOODY HECK!" -- an expletive emitted when following someone saying "A" after his head disappears out of sight below the top of the jump. |
Babble |
When a hound gives tongue for anything other than a good fox scent. |
Babbler |
An unnecessarily noisy hound. |
Barway |
A fence section with sliding horizontal poles which can be jumped by the first flight or taken down for hilltoppers or tractors. |
Billett |
Fox droppings. Scat. |
Bitch |
Female hound. |
Blank |
Failure to find a fox in a covert is to draw blank. Failure to find a fox all day is to have a blank day. |
Blind Country |
Terrain so overgrown that jumps and footing can't be gauged. |
Blooded |
Hound or follower after their first kill. Applying a touch of fox blood to the forehead is no longer done due to rabies concerns. |
Blue Ticked |
Hound coloring, mostly white with dapples of black for a blue appearance. |
Boo Hoo |
When a hound is lost or frustrated and sings out. |
Brace |
Two game animals. |
Breakfast |
Meal served by a host after a hunt, either buffet or sit-down. For an informal breakfast, you should bring a covered dish or something. |
Brush |
Fox's tail. |
Burning Scent |
Scent so hot and strong that hounds tear along the line without hesitation. Screaming scent. |
Burst |
Hounds get away quickly on the fox, or a fast part of a run. |
Button |
The hunt button is a black or brass button with the hunt's distinctive logo engraved on it. This is worn only at the invitation of the Master. |
Bye Day |
An additional hunting day not on the fixture card. |
"C" stands for |
"COME ON!"-- a challenge to followers after saying "A", avoiding "T", and thinking "W". |
Cap |
Capping fee paid by non-members to ride with the field - usually limited to two or three visits before a membership application is expected. Also, a rider's hard hat. |
Car Followers |
Those who follow the hunt in vehicles, the third field or third flight. |
Cast |
When hounds search for a lost line. The Huntsman may take charge of the pack and help them, or hounds may cast themselves. |
Catch Hold |
To collect hounds and take them forward at a check or to a holloa. |
Coffee Housing |
Distracting field chit-chat while others are listening for hounds. |
Challenges It |
When a hound first speaks to a line. |
Charles |
Respectful name for the fox. Also, Charlie, gentleman Charles, Charles James, the old gentleman, Reynard, varmint, Uncle Remus. |
Check |
Hounds temporarily lose the line on a run. Followers stay quiet. |
Cheer |
Huntsman's encouragement to hounds. |
Cold Line |
Faint scent due to time or conditions. |
Colors |
Distinctive Hunt livery worn by members at the invitation of a Master. For Bull Run Hunt, this entails a Confederate-gray colar and BRH hunt buttons on a gentleman's scarlet coat or a lady's black or dark-blue coat. |
'Coop |
Chicken coop. An inviting, 3-foot high (or more), A-frame, roof-like jump. |
Counter |
Hounds on the line, but going in the opposite direction. Also, heel line. |
Country |
The Hunt's general territory as registered with the MFHA. |
Couple |
Two hounds. Hounds are numbered in couples, because it's easier to count them quickly in twos. Also, to attach two hounds together with couples. |
Couples |
A short connector between two collars, so a puppy can be paired-up with an experienced hound for training. |
Covered Line |
Line that an earlier hound has hunted and, therefore, interfered with. |
Covert (cover) |
Woods or dense growth where a fox may be found. |
Cracker |
The piece at the very end of a hunt whip which makes the cracking noise. Also, lash or popper. |
Crop |
The stick part of a hunting whip, not the whole assembly. |
Cry |
Sound of hounds speaking to a line. Also, voice, tongue, music. |
Cub |
A young fox born the past spring. |
Cubbing |
Pre-season hunting which teaches cubs to run from the pack and teaches puppies to hunt with the pack. Also, cub hunting and autumn hunting. |
Cub Hunting |
See Cubbing or Autumn Hunting. |
Cur Dog |
Canine not from the pack. |
"D" stands for |
"DANG!" -- an oath uttered after saying "B" and after hearing "C". |
Den |
An underground fox lair. Kennel. |
Den Bark |
Peculiar cry of hounds at an earth having put a fox to ground. |
Den Dog |
Hound particularly keen on worrying an earth and with a peculiar cry. |
Dew Claw |
False toe/claw on a hound's forelegs. |
Dog |
Male hound, male fox. Any non-hound canine. |
Double Back |
When a fox returns to the covert it left. |
Draft |
To remove hounds from a kennels or a pack. |
Draft Hound |
Hound removed from its regular pack. |
Draw a Covert |
Put hounds into a covert to find a fox. |
Draw Blank |
An unsuccessful draw. |
Drive |
The urge of a hound to get forward. |
Dwell |
The tendency of a hound to hunt without going forward. Lack of drive. |
"E" stands for |
"EASY!" -- a comment on the jump's difficulty after following the rider saying "C" and without encountering "T". |
Early Cubbing |
Informal cub hunting prior to open cubbing. Participation is by invitation of a Master. |
Earth |
Where a fox goes to ground for safety, usually a den or kennel. |
Enter |
To use a hound regularly for hunting. |
Entered Hound |
A hunting member of the pack. |
Entry |
Hounds to be entered this season. |
Eye to Hounds |
By waching hounds and listening, to be able to tell what the fox has done and about what they are gong to do. |
"F" stands for |
"FINE" -- a mumbled response to bystanders after a "T" without losing consciousness. |
Fall |
An optional piece of leather between the thong and lash of a hunting whip which helps make a more reliable cracking sound. |
Feathering |
A hound indicates, other than by giving tongue, that it's hunting a line; a waving stern. Uncertain. |
Field |
Mounted followers other than Master and staff. Usually divided into two or more fields: first flight, non-jumpers, hilltoppers, car/foot-followers. |
Field Master |
Individual in charge of mounted followers. |
Field Secretary |
Individual who collects the capping fees from non-members. |
Find |
When hounds first detect a fox's scent. |
First Flight |
Riders who plan to jump everything necessary and to stay close to the action. |
Fixture |
Time and place of a meet. Also, a regular location for a meet. |
Fixture Card |
Card sent to members and individuals invited to hunt. Lists dates, places, and times of meets. |
Flighty |
Undependable or changeable hounds or scent. |
Foil |
A smell that obliterates or disguises a fox's scent trail. |
Fox, Gray |
Canis Urocyon cinereoargenteus. |
Fox, Red |
Canis Vulpes vulpes fulva (US). See Charles. |
Fresh Line |
Newly-laid scent trail. |
Full Cry |
Sound of many hounds hunting hot & heavy as a pack. |
"H" stands for |
"Huh?" -- inevitable first utterance to bystanders after a "T" and loss of consciousness. |
Halloo |
(holler) Huntsman's or staff's holler that the fox was viewed. Also, Holloa, View Halloo. |
Head a Fox |
To turn a fox from its own route. Bad result of riders away from the field. |
Headed to Death |
Fox unfairly killed by being headed. |
Heads Up |
Hounds raise their heads and lose the scent. A sin if caused by riders. |
Heel Line |
Hounds on the line, but going in the opposite direction. Also, counter. |
Hilltoppers |
Riders who do not plan to jump but move at a walk or trot to strategic viewing spots. |
Honest Hound |
Trustworthy, dependable hound. |
Horn Hook |
The gate-opening tool at the end of a hunt whip. |
Honor the Line |
A hound gives tongue on a line which another hound was hunting. |
Hound |
Canine used for hunting by scent. |
Hound Exercise |
Taking hounds and puppies for a road or field walk to give them exercise and to train the puppies to the pack. |
Hound Music |
The sound made when hounds are in full cry. |
Hunt |
Fox-hunting club. Also, a day's hunting. |
Hunting Whip |
The complete assembly of crop (the stick, horn hook, & tab), thong (braided part), fall, and lash (popper/cracker) used for making a loud noise or (more rarely) for inducing a sting to control hounds. It's an alert, warning, or punishment as well as a badge of authority to hounds. The whip is carried by staff and those field riders who can carry it safely -- in case they are called-upon to temporarily help control hounds, to discourage a hound from going under a horse, or to lend to a staff member who's broken or lost theirs. |
Hunt Saboteur
(see also: Sab) |
Misguided individual intent on spoiling foxhunters' sport by interferience with hounds, fox, horses, scent line, etc. or by violence and intimidation against participants, bystanders, staff, and facilities; and they often break the law in doing so. Sabs range from self-righteous animal-rights activists to paid thugs who commit atrocities in the name of anti-foxhunting. (Note: these animals hunt in packs, since they are cowardly by nature; and their leadership are often politically motivated.) |
Huntsman |
Individual who hunts the hounds. |
"I" stands for |
"I DON'T THINK SO!" -- a comment made by the first rider to refuse the challenge, "C". |
"J" stands for |
"JUNIOR" -- the age category of the only riders who do not use the terms "A", "B", "D", "F", "H", or "I" above. |
Joint Masters |
Two or more Masters who share responsibilities for hunt operations in one hunting club. |
"K" stands for |
"KISS" -- what your horse probably deserves after "V". |
Keeper |
The leather piece at the end of a hunting whip's crop to which the thong is attached. Also, tab. |
Kennel |
Underground fox lair. Den. |
Kennels |
Home for the hounds. |
Kill, the |
When the fox is killed by the pack. |
Kit |
Young fox, cub, pup. Not to be confused with the species, Kit Fox. |
"L" stands for |
"LUCK" -- the true source of one's apparent skill which prompted the challenge, "C". |
Lair |
Fox's daytime bed. |
Larking |
Jumping fences unnecessarily when hounds are not running. |
Lash |
The piece at the very end of a hunting whip which makes the cracking noise. Also, cracker or popper. |
Lead Hound |
The hound up front while the pack is on a line. |
Lift |
To pick hounds up while hunting and move them forward on the line. |
Line |
Fox's scent trail, his route across the ground. |
Line Breeding |
Offspring from parents having common ancestry. |
Litter |
Group of hound whelps or fox cubs born to one mother at one time. |
Livery |
Attire of the professional staff. Usually particular to a hunt. |
The rest of the Glossary is on a separate page for size reasons, but you can navigate as if the Glossary was all on one page. |